XSTAFF – Reaching Our Goals Together

XSTAFF offers planning security and fair conditions

The sea and container freight market is at the heart of global economic flows. However, it is a market that is suffering more than almost any other from the current geopolitical crises and global economic bottlenecks. Whether small retailers, medium-sized shippers, large trading companies or regional purchasing associations – they are all under pressure and are struggling with increasingly deteriorating conditions.

In this difficult situation, strong partners are needed – partners like XSTAFF GmbH. With innovative concepts tailored to the individual needs of our clients and strong trading partners at our side, we as a network organization for Beneficial Cargo Owners (BCO) ensure that your goods reach their destination on time and at fair conditions. Big or small fish, you benefit from the power and protection of a global purchasing association without losing your authority and independence. After all, we want you to achieve your goal successfully even in stormy times.


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