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Caring means Sharing

Ein starkes Team: die Frauen des Düsseldorfer HC feierten ihren Triumph gemeinsam mit Bodo Knop (oben, 4 v.r.) ausgelassen.

Crisis situations confirm and reinforce social differences. A realization that unfortunately proves true again in times of Corona. Financial means and organizational resources, which were previously invested in social projects for years, are no longer available or are used elsewhere. A development that usually affects the poorest countries and regions in the world.

A development that Sergio Marmol has long since stopped watching inactively. For more than ten years, the Managing Director of XSTAFF Iberia has been involved in social projects worldwide, trying to give people in need hope for a better future. “It all started in 2010 with the first actions for the charity “Plan International”, with which I still work together. A short time later came the first projects with “Aldeas Infantiles”, a charity for disposed children. Then, two years ago, I started supporting Caminos Cruzados, a charity that supports social projects in Africa.” But regardless of which organization or projects Sergio has been active for, nothing has changed in his motivation to this day: “Throughout the years, I have always been driven by the joy of helping people in need, for whom the smallest donation or active support is an unexpected treasure. To me, caring means sharing, and Corona won’t change that.”

A week full of experiences

To once again unearth such a treasure, Sergio set off for The Gambia at the beginning of 2022 with his wife and son, as well as several friends, to help the people of the village of Kachumeh build a classroom complete with kitchen, toilet and second well in the service of Caminos Cruzados. Together with residents from the local community, the helpers brought building materials, erected house walls and provided infrastructural assistance. “Not only during the construction work, but throughout the entire school year, Caminos Cruzados provides around 90 children with a hot meal every day. This is also part of such aid projects,” Sergio recalls of the days in January. An experience that also opened up new horizons for him. “For the people in this region, it’s not just about the active help and the provision of financial resources. They appreciate almost more that we Europeans come to them in Africa, spend time with them, eat together and play with the children. A set of values is lived here from which we Europeans can still learn a great deal.” At least in one area, however, Sergio sees a lot of catching up to do with the Africans: “The biggest challenge is getting everyone involved to pursue a common goal in a coordinated and planned way. An enormous amount of time is lost in the process. But here, too, we are now making progress,” smiles Sergio.

XSTAFF assumes social responsibility

In April 2022, the construction work should be completed and the new premises occupied – despite the lack of funding from the public or private sector. “Such projects only work in Africa thanks to the collective efforts of people in the communities or the support of external charitable organizations. However, they in turn rely on donations from companies and private individuals,” says Sergio, who in the case of Kachumeh knows who to thank for the necessary financial support. “Without the 7000,- Euros donated by XSTAFF for this project, Caminos Cruzados would not be able to build the much needed classroom. At the same time, it is important for me as a person to know that I work for a company that, like me, attaches great importance to social commitment and is prepared to take responsibility for others. After all, there is still work to be done in The Gambia and other distressed regions in the world.”